I was very excited to see the start Dave has made on the spoon, especially seeing it all cut out. Seeing the blank all cut out is one of my favorite parts of the spoon-making process. It feels like a milestone accomplished. It also means that now is time for carving, which is another favorite part. For me, though, this time I still have to wait! It is making me all twitchy to wait to hold the cut blank in my hand and study how the coloration of the wood is showing up on the design.
While I wait, though, I realize there is something I should consider: my work space.
I know it's a mundane topic, but it's something that needs serious consideration. So, today, I thought I would muse a bit about considerations for a work space.
Dave seems to have a proper workshop, complete with appropriate workspace, and all the right tools and equipment. He has been woodworking for much longer than I have. I, on the other hand, have a very limited workshop, with no proper workbench or carving space. I'm workin' on it, though....
Meanwhile, this is my normal workspace, for the most part:

I am usually, however, working on spoons 12" or less. That is quite manageable in an armchair. This spoon, on the other hand, is 17" long, and I suspect it may be less manageable in an armchair. I'll need to decide on a more proper workspace - I'm considering building the work bench I've been meaning to build for over a year. We'll see.
So, first, the workspace has to "fit" the item being carved, keeping both the item AND you safe. You need to be able to move your elbows and other parts of your body freely around the piece, as necessary. You also need room to keep your tools handy.
Why not use the dining room table?
Second consideration: Things can happen with tools - so I don't let them anywhere near furniture I don't care to get nicks and scrapes, etc.. Well, I really like my dining room table. I think it was built by my Great Grandfather, from a walnut tree that was in their yard. So, dining room table is out.
Third consideration: what happens with all the wood chips?

Well, they fall on me or the table, and then probably onto the floor. So wherever I choose, I need to be able to sweep up the chips, or leave them (like when I carve outside). I also need to live with the few rogue chips that will remain between cushions in my chair, or in some other corner of the room until I do the super-thorough sweep.
Fourth consideration: The spoon needs a safe place when I'm not working on it. A workbench (in a room where my dogs are not allowed - like my workshop in the basement) would be a good place for that. So... I think I probably should get building soon! I also tend to hang in-progress spoons on a pegboard in the same room as my armchair. Storage just requires that nothing is set on top of the spoon (or pushes it around), and no dogs can get to it.
These are the main considerations I'm making, at any rate.
- Laura