Are you romantic enough to give a lovespoon like this one to your sweetie, or are going to be content with the same-old-same-old chocolates and flowers routine?
This beautiful double-bowled spoon says, "Yr ydym ni ein dau yn un" (we two are as one) by unifying the two bowls into the single handle. The broad panel style handle provides plenty of room for a series of beautiful hearts, a pair of eternal pinwheel swirls and a nice pair of 6 point 'flowers'. The little comma symbols are said to represent the soul, but were more likely growth/fertility symbols in the old days.
The spoon bowls have been given a curious squared tip which replicates the look of an old spoon which has fallen from the wall and been repaired. Many antique spoons display this feature which although it has no romantic symbolism whatsoever, is an engaging feature never-the-less.
The spoon has been carved from broadleaf maple which was hand milled by friends on their farm just outside Vancouver BC. The wood shows a bit of spalting (dark streaks and patches caused by the early stages of decay) which lends the spoon some visual drama and a dash of flair!
Don't wimp out and opt for the same boring thing you did last year, this year surprise your 'cariad' with a REAL Valentine's gift!!!